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brian n tuley

a little on brian:

"My name is Brian N. Tuley. I have been writing and recording music since I was about thirteen years old. I started out playing drums in grade school band, and then gradually crossed over to piano and guitar. Over the years I've learned to play harmonica, banjo, clarinet, saprano sax, harmonium, etc. I guess I've been able to make some sort of musical noise, on about any instrument I pick up.

Born in Ohio, I relocated to Northern California in 1991 to persue a career in the music industry. Over the years, I have built my own home recording studio and have been gathering up quite an arsenal of musical instruments and gear . Today, I am very pleased to be working from a home studio that is on par with many of the more costly recording facilities.

Of course, like most musicians, I spent my 20's playing in various bands, but I've always enjoyed composition and recording best of all. I tend to favor the studio environment more than the stage.

Lately, I have been composing music for indipendant film projects. I've composed for student film, documentary film, stop motion and flash animation as well. My greatest accomplishment thus far has been creating a classical score for a short film which was shown at the Cannes film festival in May 2005."

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